Saturday, October 14, 2006


Ok fokes. This is incredible. When me and Tina were dating, I made her promise she wouldn't start smoking. Well guess what, Two weeks ago she started smoking. Not just that, she lied gto me. I asked her if she was smoking, and she said no.
Well Tina, its really going to be hard to believe u seing how u lie alot. U broke promises, and lied. Is that something u do to someone who u want to go back out with?
If u want us to date again, u better stop. U know that there is no chance of us dating if u continue to smoke. If ur ant and uncle still don't know, IO'm going to tell them. Why do u want to through away ur life like that. Honestly, ur killing urself by smoking. Think about how much u love me. Is smoking really worth somebody losing?
That's all that happening with me. Heart broken bc Tina lied, and broken a promise with me.


Shane Davidson said...

Hey faisal,,
I agree. Smoking is the worst thing you can do.
Tina, listen, and stop now, before it's to late!

Faisal said...

It sure is. If we don't stop her now, she will get more, and more adicted, and it will be really hard for her to stop. If you people see her in the hallway, please, tell her what u think of her smoking, and how its not what she should be doing.