Thursday, September 28, 2006

in hot water

Ok I'm in serious trouble right now. There is a room downstairs wich is called the blue room. This room is used by most couples to do stuff that they normally wouldn't do in other places. Me and Tina use that room to do stuff as well. Gues what?
We got caught. Apparently, a staff member saw us doing stuff, and they're saying its sexual abuse. I am totally not being led off easy hear.
The staff that saw us doing stuff reported it. I got a lectured by broolz, and mr gall. Then they started talking about other stuff.
Like, last year I did a few things wich I admit were not the most polite things in the world. I thought we dealt with that, but I gues not. They went on and on about that kind of stuff, and something wich happened yesterday, when I apparently slamed the door in her face. I had no idea this even happened! She said nothing!
So now, I'm banned from the blue room indefinitely. I can only go to the fron loung!
Well, since were not dating, I guess that wouldn't be a problem, but if they caught us doing anything innappropriate, there going to get my parents involved, and I really don't want that.


Anonymous said...

Faisal, do I want to know the other punishments are going to be put in place? Oh do I dare ask.

Anonymous said...

Hi, this is Tina, baby! Listen, you are not in trouble. Right after you told me about this last night, I personally went and talked to Mr. Gall and Ms. Vickers. You are not in that much trouble, so do not worry about it. We can not go to the blue room till Christmas, but that is the extent of the repercussions. I went there to protect you because the stuff they were saying to you about sexual abuse was not true. Apparently the witness saw you squeezing my breast, and they said it looked like you were squeezing very hard. They said it looked like I didn't like it, and ya. I told them that I consented, and that I in fact did like it. So don't worry about it.
Lots of love!
Love Tina